Friday, June 12, 2009

My New Loves

So far this summer (and it's officially only been two days), I have already fallen in love five times. I love...
1. Sufjan Stevens.
I've been wanting to get more Sufjan Stevens music since I heard him on the Driving Lessons soundtrack. I'm so glad I got Illinoise. I'm currently basking in the amazingness right now. It's ridiculous how excited I am about this CD. I can't remember the last time I music made me so happy. Plus, not only is he a brilliant musician, he is absolutely gorgeous.
2. The God Delusion
So maybe it's weird to be in love with a book, especially one that is about the non-existence of God. But I am. I guess my liberal-Unitarian Universalist self gets excited to read about things like that. Granted, I don't agree with everything Richard Dawkins says, especially since I consider myself to agnostic, but it still is completely interesting. I like expanding my spiritual/religious beliefs.
3. So You Think You Can Dance
I don't know why I never watched this show. I guess it's because I hate reality television, but this show is different somehow. It makes me wish I could dance SO BAD. There are so many talented dancers on the show, but my favorites are Evan and Kapono. Or however you spell that guy's name.
4. Crank
Props to Lauren Gonzalez for giving me this book to read. It's one of the most unique and beautiful books I've ever read. I now know I'm never ever going to do meth. Even though I've known that pretty much my entire life. The book is pure genius. 
5. Making lists
Ok, so this may seem silly, but for some reasons, making lists relax me. I'm probably going to incorporate lists in all of my blog entries now.

So there ya go. 5 new things I love. Life is good. :)

Monday, June 8, 2009


For all intents and purposes, school is over. I'm a senior. HELL YEAH!
I have never ever ever been so ready for summer. I probably say this every year, but I actually mean it this time.
I've already done many of the essential summer requirements.
1. Summer Job.
Technically, it's not really a new summer job, since I'm just going back to Starlight Movie Theatre since nobody else would hire me. Plus side: free movies. Down side: stupid people leaving their beers in the theatre for me to clean up. But hey. A job's a job. And I desperately need money.
2. Summer Reading List.
Yes, I'm a dork, so I made a summer reading list. I guess it's actually more of a forever reading list because it has over 30 books and I will lucky if I finish 5 this summer, but whatever. I'm really excited about it. It's the perfect combination of classics, chick books, plays, dramas, biographies, comedies, nonfiction, and short stories. Right now I'm reading Running With Scissors. It's spectacular.
3. Sunburn.
For me, summer hasn't started until I get a sunburn. And that happened last weekend. I'm all good to go.
I am determined to make this the best summer ever.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I become worried about the human race...

when I read things about how the guy who killed the abortion clinic doctor is a hero because he sacrificed everything to save thousands of unborn babies.

And when I learned that Prop 8 was upheld.

These two things should have never have happened. What is this world coming to?

Monday, June 1, 2009

Wow, it's been a while.

I haven't written on here in forever. I honestly forgot I had a blog for a while. I guess I've been too busy finishing up the school year. 

Speaking of which, I honestly can't believe that junior year is almost over. It has been one HELL of a year. And I mean that in every possible way. It was probably the most stressful, physically tiring  and emotionally exhausting year of my life. But I also learned a lot about life and grew closer to a lot of my friends, so I guess it's all worth it. I'm so ready to be a senior. I started off the year being completely terrified by the thought of college, and now I am completely over the whole high school thing: the stupid drama, immature guys, crappy teachers, pointless assignments...I'm just done.

The closer I get to actually graduating high school, the more unsure I am about what I want to do with my life. I used to be so certain that I would major in Psychology and minor in Theatre, and now I'm considering several different majors, including English and History. Also, at Elon there is a Non-Violent Studies major, which I personally find extremely interesting. I'm so indecisive, it's ridiculous. 

And now for something random that really pisses me off. You know when you are having a conversation with somebody and they say something slightly offensive, and they act like it's not a big deal because they state, "I was just saying!", as if that  justifies their smart-ass remark?Seriously, that makes no sense whatsoever. People need to think up better excuses.

Also, buses breaking down. Like what happened to me today. That pisses me off too.

But, on the plus side, these past two days have been the most  relaxing days I've had in a long time. Yesterday, I went to the pool and hung out with an old friend which was really nice. And then I took a bubble bath while listening to Jack Johnson and eating ice cream. I don't think it gets any better than that. And then today, I pretty much did nothing, except pretend to study for the SAT and write on here, which actually feels really good.

I should do this blogging thing more often.